Nashville Targets 25 Streets for Spring 2024 Traffic Calming

Nashville announces 25 new traffic calming projects to enhance neighborhood safety.

The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) has selected 25 neighborhood streets for traffic calming projects set to commence this spring. This initiative is part of Nashville’s ongoing commitment to Vision Zero, aiming to eliminate all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all residents.

Mayor Freddie O’Connell expressed his gratitude towards NDOT for spearheading the traffic calming program and emphasized the city’s dedication to collaborating with neighborhoods seeking assistance. “We’re committed to Vision Zero, and to collaborating with neighborhoods who are asking for our help,” O’Connell said, highlighting the strong demand for such programs in the community.

The selection process for traffic calming projects involves two application periods each year, during which neighborhoods can submit proposals for consideration. Following the closure of the application window, NDOT undertakes data collection to assess and prioritize the submitted streets. The next application window opened on March 1, 2024, and will remain open for two weeks, offering additional opportunities for neighborhoods to participate.

The streets chosen for the Spring 2024 traffic calming projects cover a wide area of Nashville, from Drakes Branch Rd, ranked first, to Fairfax Ave, ranked twenty-fifth. These selections were made based on a thorough evaluation of applications and data collected by NDOT staff.

In the upcoming weeks, NDOT staff will coordinate with council members and local communities to kickstart the planning phase. This will include attending neighborhood meetings and organizing community workshops to ensure that the final designs align with the specific needs and preferences of each neighborhood.

Residents looking for more information on the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program or wishing to report non-emergency issues affecting Nashville streets are encouraged to visit the respective NDOT and Vision Zero websites. This initiative represents a significant step forward in Nashville’s efforts to enhance the safety and quality of life on its neighborhood streets, in line with its Vision Zero commitment.

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