Metro Public Health Department

Public Notice for Air Pollution Source Permit Application

Public comment invited for an air pollution source permit application in Nashville.

Notice on Air Pollution Source Permit Application

Public comment period open for air pollution source permit application.
Expanded Immunization Services at Metro Public Health Department for New School Year
The Metro Public Health Department offers extended immunization hours to prepare students for the upcoming school year.
Public Notice on Air Pollution Source Permit Applications
Notice for public comment on air pollution source permits in Nashville by August 18, 2024.
West Nile Virus Detected in Rayon City Mosquito Pool
Metro Public Health Department urges residents to reduce mosquito risk after detecting West Nile Virus.
Public Notice on Air Pollution Source Applications
Applications for air pollution permits are open for public comment until June 30, 2024.
Notice for Air Pollution Control Permit Applications
Public notice for applications regarding air pollution source construction or modification.
Public Notice for Air Pollution Control Permit Applications
Applications for construction and operating permits have been filed with Metro Public Health Department.
Public Notice: Air Pollution Source Construction and Modification Applications
Applications to construct or modify air pollution sources have been filed in Nashville.
Public Notice on Air Pollution Source Permits
Applications for air pollution permits in Nashville are now open for public comment.