Murfreesboro Launches 2025 Special Census Campaign

Murfreesboro initiates door-to-door campaign to ensure accurate 2025 Special Census count.

Murfreesboro firefighters will soon embark on a door-to-door campaign to gather accurate household data for the 2025 Special Census. The campaign aims to collect addresses and names of residents who have not submitted the “Count Me In” form by mail or online. Residents are encouraged to fill out the electronic survey and track the census progress online via the official website.

Mayor Shane McFarland emphasized the importance of the Special Census, stating, “The 2025 Special Census is easy, safe, and useful. The information shared remains confidential, and the funding tied to our count is crucial for providing necessary services.” Assistant City Manager Sam Huddleston added, “We believe the City has added at least 20,000 new residents since the last census, which could translate to an additional $3.5 million per year in state-shared funding.”

Residents can view a Public Service Announcement video on the census process here. During their visits, Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Department members will also offer home fire safety tips and check smoke alarms. The census survey, which takes only a few minutes, requests the address and names of all individuals living at a residence, including those away at college or in military service.

Murfreesboro has already collected names for about 25% of the expected population. The city’s current certified population is 152,769, based on the 2020 federal census. With 7,500 new residential permits and an increase in net migration, the city estimates a population increase of 20,000. The state currently allocates approximately $175 per resident to the city, amounting to an estimated $30 million annually if the new population figures are confirmed.

The initial Special Census packet was distributed on December 9, 2024, followed by a second mailing in February for non-respondents. Special Census letters are also being sent to locations such as MTSU on-campus housing, nursing homes, and group homes.

The city assures residents that their information will not be sold or shared, except for official purposes with the Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. For inquiries about the Murfreesboro Special Census, residents can email [email protected] or call 615-893-5210. Additional city news can be found on the Murfreesboro city website.

Source: Read Original Release

Fire Safety Tips for Super Bowl Gatherings

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