Cold Case Unit detectives from the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, alongside a dozen members of the department’s Urban Search and Rescue team, initiated a search operation on January 2nd in a wooded area off Kirk Avenue. This search was prompted by the discovery of a human skull by a passerby. Preliminary assessments suggest the skull belongs to a male aged between 28 and 48 years, who is thought to have died within the past two years. Notably, the skull does not correspond to any local missing persons cases from the vicinity. The investigation is ongoing as authorities continue to search for additional remains or evidence that could provide further information regarding the unidentified individual.
Source: Read Original Release
Investigation into I-40 East Fatal Shooting
Detectives are investigating the fatal shooting of Uriel Miller, who was found with a gunshot wound in a car on I-40 East. A firearm was located in the vehicle, but the motive remains unknown. Authorities are seeking public assistance for any information related to the case. Additional details can be found on the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department website.