Dejuan Moore, a 23-year-old man, has been taken into custody on charges of aggravated rape, aggravated assault, and kidnapping, following an incident on November 24 involving three teenage girls. The incident began when the victims, two 17-year-olds and a 15-year-old, were approached by Moore at a gas station around 2 a.m. Moore invited them to a party, which they declined. As the victims drove away, Moore pursued them in his vehicle, using high beam headlights to coerce them into pulling over.
Fearing for their safety, the teens turned into a location behind Dollar General at 82 Lafayette Street. Moore then exited his vehicle and, at gunpoint, forcibly removed two of the teens from their car, committing sexual assault. The third teen, who stayed inside the vehicle, managed to call 911. Police officers arrived promptly, allowing the victims to escape to safety, while Moore fled the scene in a Chrysler 300. The car was later recovered.
The investigation was a collaborative effort between Youth Services Juvenile Sexual Assault detectives and Violent Crimes Division detectives, which led to Moore’s arrest. He is now set to be booked into the Metro Jail.
Source: Read Original Release
Nashville Man Arrested for Child Exploitation
A 23-year-old Nashville resident, Turmier Beach, was arrested following a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, leading to charges of sexual exploitation of a minor for allegedly uploading child sexual abuse images.