Tommy Bragg Drive Inaugurated with Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

Newly opened Tommy Bragg Drive eases traffic and enhances connectivity in Murfreesboro.

City officials recently gathered to commemorate the opening of a newly named roadway, Tommy Bragg Drive, which includes a bridge spanning the Stones River. This connector bridge, funded by $8.65 million from the city’s budget, is designed to improve access to State Route 99 and the I-24 interchange for residents in the River Rock and Cason Lane areas. It aims to alleviate congestion at the busy Cason Lane and Highway 96 intersection.

The bridge, which crosses the West Fork of the Stones River, marks a significant infrastructure development for Murfreesboro. Tommy Bragg, who served as mayor of the city from 2002 to 2014, was present at the ceremony with his family. During his tenure, Bragg was instrumental in the city’s substantial growth, particularly in projects such as The Gateway and Medical Center Parkway, key areas of Murfreesboro’s development.

The project includes approximately 0.30 miles of new road extending from the north end of Beasie Road to River Rock Boulevard. The three-lane bridge is equipped with curbs and gutters, a sidewalk on one side, and a multi-use path on the other. This path provides pedestrians and cyclists with access to the Stones River Greenway, further enhancing the area’s connectivity.

Overall, the new Tommy Bragg Drive is expected to significantly improve traffic flow and access in the region while providing additional amenities for local residents and visitors.

Source: Read Original Release

Nashville Awards 14 Tactical Urbanism Projects

The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) has selected 14 community-led projects for its inaugural Tactical Urbanism Program, which aims to enhance neighborhood safety and efficiency through temporary installations like sidewalk improvements and traffic calming measures. Each project will receive up to $20,000 in funding to test roadway design changes, with the results potentially influencing future permanent infrastructure decisions.