Nashville Launches RESET Financial Empowerment Program for Older Adults

Nashville introduces RESET program to support financial stability for older adults.

The RESET Program, “Raising Economic Security to Enjoy Thriving,” is a new initiative aimed at providing personalized financial services to older adults in Davidson County. This program, operated through the Financial Empowerment Center (FEC), is a collaborative effort responding to the financial needs of older adults who often have limited incomes.

Statistics from the National Council on Aging indicate that one in three older adults are economically insecure, with $30 billion in available benefits going unclaimed annually. The RESET program aims to address this issue by offering financial empowerment counseling, benefit enrollment assistance, and referrals to supplemental income opportunities.

Mayor Freddie O’Connell emphasized the importance of the program, stating, “RESET will help by providing personal financial empowerment counseling, benefit enrollment assistance, and referrals to supplemental income opportunities.”

A notable success story involves a local doctor referring an older patient with significant medical expenses to the FEC. Using the benefits checkup tool from the National Council on Aging, the counselor determined the patient’s eligibility for SNAP benefits, potentially easing her financial burden.

Grace Sutherland Smith, executive director of AgeWell Middle Tennessee, highlighted the program’s comprehensive approach, saying, “We are creating a more coordinated system that works alongside low- and middle-income older adults to help improve their financial stability.”

Erica Mitchell, CEO-Elect of United Way of Greater Nashville, added, “We all deserve to age with dignity… We’re honored to partner with AgeWell, FiftyForward, NeedLink Nashville, and TN Justice Center to ensure that older adults are supported and can remain independent and thriving.”

Funded by grants from the AARP Foundation and the National Council on Aging, RESET also received local support, including a $44,000 grant from Vine Street Christian Church for planning and convening.

RESET offers an online tool, NCOA’s BenefitsCheckUp, to help users determine their eligibility for various benefit programs. For more information, visit the National Council on Aging Benefits Checkup.

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