TSSAA Board of Control Convenes for 2024-25 School Year

The TSSAA Board discussed enrollment reports, classification appeals, and budget allocations.

The TSSAA Board of Control held its initial meeting for the 2024-25 school year on Monday, August 19, at the TSSAA office building in Hermitage. The agenda included a detailed update on the process and timeline for collecting enrollment reports this fall, determining district and region placements, and managing classification appeals.

The Board decided to utilize the end-of-year enrollment numbers from the State Department of Education, averaging the entire 2023-2024 school year, for the forthcoming classification cycle. However, if a school’s average enrollment for September differs by 20% or more, the September figure will be used for classification purposes.

Additionally, the Board approved a measure allowing schools to host an extra contest in various sports, including baseball, softball, volleyball, boys’ and girls’ soccer, boys’ and girls’ lacrosse, and girls’ flag football. The host schools will contribute $100 towards the construction of the new state office building. Each school can participate in up to two such games per sport season.

The Board also addressed the allocation of approximately $200,000 in excess revenue from the 2023-2024 fiscal year. This includes rebates to each school for 2023-24 membership dues and golf fees, an increase in awards for A.F. Bridges winners from $1,000 to $2,000, and the provision of new AEDs to 24 middle schools. The remaining funds will be allocated to the Legacy Fund, designated for the construction of the new TSSAA office building.

In other matters, the Board reviewed and approved financial reports for baseball, softball, soccer, track & field, and tennis, along with the audited financial statements from 2023-24. The proposed budget for the 2024-25 school year was also approved.

A complete summary of the meeting can be accessed through the following link:

Board of Control Summary (August 24, 2024) (PDF)

Source: Read Original Release

TSSAA Appoints Lexie Crawford for Digital Role

Lexie Crawford has been appointed as the new Coordinator of Sports Information and Digital Content for the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) for the 2024-25 school year.