THEC Announces New GIVE Grants for Workforce Development

THEC allocates $41 million in GIVE grants to boost rural workforce development in Tennessee.

NASHVILLE, TN – August 28, 2024 – The Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) has announced a new round of Governor’s Investment in Vocational Education (GIVE) grants aimed at enhancing career and technical education, particularly in rural counties.

These grants, a key part of Governor Bill Lee’s initiative to strengthen Tennessee’s workforce, will distribute $41 million to support regional partnerships between Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCATs), community colleges, and local industries.

“The state with the workers will win every time, and that’s why workforce development has been one of my top priorities since day one,” said Governor Lee. “As a result, companies are choosing to invest and expand in our state, creating greater opportunity and quality of life for all Tennesseans.”

The GIVE program addresses skills gaps in Tennessee’s workforce by fostering career pathways that connect secondary education, postsecondary institutions, and local employers. Grants of up to $2 million will be awarded to collaborative projects that create or expand academic programs, develop work-based learning experiences, or provide industry-recognized certifications in high-demand fields. This initiative aims to meet the needs of employers and stimulate economic growth by aligning the state’s education system with workforce requirements.

“The GIVE grants represent a significant step forward in our mission to bridge the skills gap in Tennessee’s workforce,” said Steven Gentile, THEC Executive Director. “By fostering collaboration between educational institutions and local industries, we are not only creating pathways for students in rural and at-risk counties but also ensuring that our state remains competitive in a rapidly evolving job market. This investment underscores Tennessee’s commitment to aligning education with the needs of today’s employers, driving both economic growth and opportunity across our state.”

The third round of GIVE grants will fund 23 projects statewide, impacting 47 counties, including 6 economically distressed and 13 at-risk counties.

Source: Read Original Release

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