High School Contest Explores Water Scarcity Solutions

High school students are invited to envision a day without water and propose solutions.

The “Imagine a Day Without Water” contest invites high school students to envision a day without water and propose innovative solutions to tackle water scarcity. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the critical importance of water and inspire the next generation of environmental stewards.

Students from grades 9-12 in the City of Murfreesboro and Rutherford County are encouraged to participate in one of four contest categories: film/video, canvas/poster, essay/story, or service project. Prizes range from $100 to $500, with additional recognition for outstanding entries. Winners will have the opportunity to participate in Water Visionaries Day at the Tennessee State Capitol, where they will observe environmental and natural resources legislation and receive recognition during lunch.

To join this important initiative and help protect our most vital resource, students can enter the contest by clicking here.


– **Aug 1**: Release contest packets via social media, email (internal, external to press, principals, Rutherford County central office, and magazine editors), and the first promotional video.

– **Aug 9 – Sep 9**: Visit high schools with printed promotional material, timeline, and a preview of the Water Visionaries Day at the Capitol.

– **Oct 9**: Deadline for entries at 3:30 PM (delivered) or 11:59 PM (electronically), CST.

– **Oct 10**: Review entries and rubric with judges.

– **Oct 11 – Oct 15**: Judges review and score entries.

– **Oct 17**: Announce and contact winners on social media and via email on National IADWW day.

– **Oct 18-29**: Award presentations, date TBD.

– **Jan – Mar**: Celebrate the winners at Water Talk Day at the Tennessee State Capitol/luncheon.

– **Apr 1 – Apr 30**: Release a movie comprised of contest water conservation entries, reinforce the IADWW national campaign, and spotlight the Wayland Foundations Day of Action Mayors Challenge.

Source: Read Original Release