Warren County Secures $362,527 for Tire Management

Warren County receives a grant to enhance its scrap tire management and reduce illegal dumping.

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) has announced that Warren County will receive a grant of $362,527 from the state’s Tire Environmental Act Program. Warren County will contribute matching funds of $90,632, bringing the total project cost to $453,159. The grant will be used to purchase equipment to improve the county’s management of scrap tires, aiding in the cleanup of illegal tire dump sites and mitigating associated health risks.

“The Tire Environmental Act Program provides ways to retrieve old tires and repurpose them into community assets,” said TDEC Deputy Commissioner Greg Young. “These grants help make that happen, and we look forward to the results that come from this process.”

Warren County recycles about 700 tons of scrap tires each year. The new equipment funded by the grant will enhance the county’s ability to manage these tires more efficiently and safely. Additionally, the county plans to develop a public education campaign through schools and social media to emphasize the importance of proper tire disposal.

The Tire Environmental Act Program aims to fund projects that result in the beneficial use of waste tires. Eligible projects must fall into one of three categories: tire processing/recycling, tire-derived material use, or research and development. The program offers grant funding to eligible entities, including local governments, non-profit organizations, higher education institutions, K-12 schools, and for-profit businesses.

Established in 2015, the Tire Environmental Fund accumulates fees from the first retail sale of new motor vehicles titled and registered in Tennessee. These fees are used to support projects that create or support beneficial end uses for waste tires.

Since its inception, the program has awarded nearly $9.2 million in grants, diverting approximately 7.6 million tires or nearly 82,000 tons of scrap tires from landfills. The repurposed tires are used in various applications, such as rubberized asphalt, tire-derived aggregate, tire-derived fuel, and granulated rubber porous flexible pavement, among others.

Source: Read Original Release

West Tennessee Road Construction Updates for July 2024

The Tennessee Department of Transportation has announced potential daytime and nighttime lane closures across various locations in West Tennessee from July 10-17, 2024, for repairs and new installations.