TDOE Launches Tennessee Flagship Industry Partner Award

Tennessee celebrates 49 employers for outstanding work-based learning partnerships.

Chattanooga, TN— The Tennessee Department of Education announced the recipients of the inaugural Tennessee Flagship Industry Partner Award during the annual Career and Technical Education (CTE) Institute. This award recognizes 49 employers for their exceptional contributions and partnerships with local school districts across the state.

These employers, nominated by school districts, have significantly improved student outcomes through their work-based learning (WBL) programs. Criteria for nomination included providing students with seamless transitions into postsecondary education or the workforce, offering full-time employment opportunities upon high school graduation, employing students with disabilities, and maintaining Tennessee Certified Pre-Apprenticeship or Registered Apprenticeship programs.

“Work-based learning is an integral part of Career and Technical Education that works to equip all students for success after high school,” said Lizzette Reynolds, Commissioner of Education. “We applaud all the Tennessee Flagship Industry Partners for prioritizing their local districts, schools, and the workforce by offering students experiences that develop employable skills for high-demand, high-skill careers.”

The selection of Tennessee Flagship Industry Partners is based on the cumulative, quantitative impact each employer has on elementary, middle, and high school students through various employment readiness activities, including pre-apprenticeships, registered apprenticeships, and seamless postsecondary and workforce transitions.

The following employers are recognized as the Top 10 Tennessee Flagship Industry Partners:

Source: Read Original Release

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