NDOT Introduces Tactical Urbanism Program

Nashville's new program supports community-led temporary transportation projects.

The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) has announced the launch of a new tactical urbanism program aimed at supporting and facilitating community-led installation of temporary transportation projects in neighborhoods.

Tactical urbanism, also known as “planning by-doing” or “pop-up urbanism,” has seen a growing presence in Nashville over the past decade. A notable example is the Civic Design Center’s ‘PARK(ing) Day Nashville’ project, where street parking spaces are transformed annually into small parks and public gathering spaces.

For community organizations that have completed planning and secured funding for a tactical urbanism project, the next step involves seeking formal approval to install the project by requesting a Tactical Urbanism Permit. Project managers can review the Tactical Urbanism Guide for guidance on items reviewed in the permitting process and email completed applications to [email protected].

To encourage the scaling of projects that contribute to community-building and local safety, NDOT will provide funding for materials and installation costs for a select number of tactical urbanism plans through a competitive application process.

Potential applicants should first review the Tactical Urbanism Guide to familiarize themselves with the design guidelines of the program. Community organizations and neighborhood groups can then submit a project for funding consideration by sending a Tactical Urbanism Permit Application to [email protected]. To be considered for project funding, applicants should select “Yes” on the question “Apply for Tactical Urbanism Program Funding?”

Project applications will be reviewed and funded quarterly. Applications can be submitted on a rolling basis but must meet the quarterly submission deadlines to be considered. Projects not funded in one quarter can be reconsidered in subsequent quarters.

The next submission deadline is August 19, 2024. Four projects will be selected in the first funding cycle, with decisions announced by mid-September. The next quarterly submission deadline is targeted for mid-to-late November 2024. Additional details on scoring can be found in the Tactical Urbanism Funding Program Project Prioritization Guide.

Potential applicants are encouraged to schedule a pre-application consultation with NDOT staff by emailing [email protected].

For more information on Tactical Urbanism, visit Nashville’s Tactical Urbanism Program webpage. To report a non-emergency issue affecting a Metro Nashville street, visit hub.nashville.gov.

Source: Read Original Release

Air Pollution Source Permit Applications Notice

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