Nashville OEM to Conduct Heat Patrols

Emergency Management volunteers will patrol to assist during extreme heat.

Metro Nashville Davidson County is currently under a Heat Advisory, in effect until Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. The Nashville Office of Emergency Management (OEM) urges residents to take necessary precautions to stay safe during this period of extreme heat.

OEM Emergency Support Unit (ESU) volunteers will be conducting heat patrols on Monday and Tuesday from 2:00 p.m. to around 5:00 p.m. both days. These volunteers will visit areas where vulnerable populations gather, offering cold water, towels, and additional resources to help individuals manage the high temperatures.

As the heatwave continues, the following safety tips are recommended:

– Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

– Limit outdoor activities during the hottest hours.

– Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing.

– Use sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin.

– Check on elderly neighbors, friends, and family.

– Never leave children or pets inside cars.

For more tips, visit the National Weather Service.

**Safety Tips for Specific Groups:**


– Never leave your child alone in a car.

– Keep your car locked to prevent children from entering.

– Create reminders to check the back seat for children.

**Older Adults:**

– Stay in air-conditioned buildings.

– Drink more water and avoid using the stove or oven.

– Wear loose, lightweight clothing.

– Take cool showers or baths.


– Ensure pets have fresh water and shady places.

– Recognize signs of overheating in pets, such as excessive panting and difficulty breathing.

– Avoid walking pets on hot asphalt.

**Signs of Heat Illness:**

**Heat Exhaustion:**

– Symptoms: Dizziness, thirst, heavy sweating, nausea, weakness.

– Actions: Move to a cooler area, loosen clothing, sip cool water, seek medical help if symptoms persist.

**Heat Stroke:**

– Symptoms: Confusion, dizziness, unconsciousness.

– Actions: Call 911, move to a cooler area, loosen clothing, cool with water or ice.

Heat stroke can cause death or permanent disability if not treated promptly.

For more information on heat safety, visit the Metro Nashville’s Action Commission.

Source: Read Original Release

TDOT Road Maintenance and Construction Update

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) has issued a detailed report on road maintenance and construction activities in East and Middle Tennessee for July 11-17, 2024, covering various districts with specific projects and related lane closures.