Metro Nashville Public Schools Reports TCAP Score Improvements

MNPS shows significant gains in 2024 TCAP scores across all subjects and grades.

Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) is pleased to announce significant achievements in the 2024 Spring TCAP (Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program) Achievement and End-of-Course (EOC) assessments. MNPS has not only met but exceeded its participation rate goals across all subjects and grades. Every grade level has shown improvements in all subjects on TCAP achievement tests, with gains ranging from 0.2% to over 5%. This reflects the dedication of students, teachers, and staff towards educational excellence.

“We have been on a journey to reach our North Star of being the premier large school district in Tennessee and beyond – and these test results show we are on track to meet and exceed those expectations!” said Dr. Adrienne Battle, Director of Metro Schools. “Seeing growth in every tested category, across every grade level, all while outpacing the state, is unprecedented for MNPS, and it is a testament to the dedication and commitment our teachers and staff have shown to support the academic growth of our students.”

Key Highlights of the 2024 TCAP Results:

– **TCAP Grades 3-8**: All scores improved in each subject in grades 3-8, with the greatest gains for math and ELA shown in 5th grade.

– **Decreased Below Category**: Across ELA, Math, and Social Studies, the number of students scoring in the Below category has decreased, indicating fewer students are behind state expectations.

– **Increased Exceeding Category**: There has been an increase in the number of students scoring in the Exceeding range across most subjects and grades.

– **Exceeding the State**: MNPS exceeded the state’s growth over 2023 data in all four TCAP and 2 out of 4 EOC overall categories, as well as 17 out of 21 grade-level TCAP categories (math, ELA, science, and social studies).

– **High School Level**: While results for Math EOC subjects are pending due to a standards-setting process, there have been reported increases in proficiency levels in Biology, English I and II, and U.S. History, with gains of up to nearly 3 percentage points.

MNPS’s consistent performance highlights the effectiveness of strategic initiatives and support systems implemented throughout the district. The dedication to continuous improvement and the collaborative efforts of students, educators, families, and community partners have played a crucial role in this success.

For more information, visit the official website.

Source: Read Original Release

Tennessee Releases 2023-24 TCAP Results

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