Murfreesboro Police Warn of Scam Targeting Seniors

Elderly residents in Murfreesboro are falling victim to sophisticated financial scams.

The Murfreesboro Police Department has issued a warning about a new scam specifically targeting the elderly population in the area. This announcement comes after two senior residents reported significant financial losses due to sophisticated fraudulent schemes.

The first case came to light on March 1, when a 75-year-old resident received an email that appeared to be from McAfee Services. Over several days, the scammer requested multiple wire transfers under the guise of owed payments and penalties. Trusting the legitimacy of the request, the elderly victim transferred a total of $138,000.

In a separate incident on March 7, a 73-year-old was browsing eBay and came across an ad that led him to contact scammers posing as Microsoft and Federal Trade Association employees. He was falsely informed that child pornography had been detected on his computer. Following their instructions, he downloaded the ‘Any Viewer’ remote access app, set up a new bank account as directed, and transferred $32,000 into it. He was then deceived into wiring $28,000 of that amount to a foreign account. The scammers didn’t stop there; they also convinced him to max out his credit cards to purchase $11,000 in gift cards, claiming it was necessary to resolve the supposed issue. He was instructed to send them the card numbers and PINs.

Detective Emily Speed from the Murfreesboro Police Department has advised residents to be extremely cautious and skeptical of any unsolicited communications that ask for personal information, financial transactions, or the installation of software. “If you receive a similar call, simply hang up,” she stated. The police are urging anyone who believes they may have fallen victim to such scams to come forward and contact Detective Speed at 629-201-5664 to report the incident and receive assistance.

Source: Read Original Release

Murfreesboro Police Alert on Arrest Warrant Scam

The Murfreesboro Police Department is alerting residents of a scam where individuals posing as law enforcement officials falsely claim residents have outstanding arrest warrants and demand payment.