Mayor Delivers 61st State of Metro Address in Nashville

Nashville's mayor outlines city achievements and future initiatives in the annual address.

Good morning, everyone. Mayor Henderson, Pro Tem Suara, Budget and Finance Chair Porterfield, members of the historic Metro Council, honored guests, and fellow Nashvillians, it is my honor to present the 61st annual State of Metro address on behalf of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.

I extend my gratitude to our hosts at The Fairgrounds Nashville and to our sign language, Spanish, and Arabic interpreters, marking the first multi-lingual State of Metro address. This effort reflects our ongoing commitment to inclusivity, a value reinforced since the Nashville for All of Us campaign fifteen years ago.

I want to acknowledge the diverse and talented team within the Metro government workforce, participants of this special Metro Council meeting, and my supportive family.

Metro Nashville has seen significant progress, informed by the resident-led transition committees focusing on how Nashville moves, works, and grows. Today, I will share details about our achievements and priorities, emphasizing that while local government plays a crucial role in our lives, it is not the only part.

Our initiatives this year included filling 20,000 potholes and launching a transportation improvement program titled Choose How You Move, aimed at enhancing sidewalks, signals, service, and safety. Details of this program are available at, featuring sidewalk improvements, upgraded transit corridors, a 24/7 transit system, community transit centers, new park and ride facilities, bicycle facilities, and traffic signal upgrades.

This program stems from a decade of planning and community input, aiming to address the city’s transportation needs comprehensively. We’re awaiting an independent audit to potentially place this program on the ballot this November, offering a significant opportunity for Nashville’s future mobility.

In addition to transportation, we’ve focused on making Nashville a fair and inclusive city, with efforts towards paying Metro employees a living wage, enhancing transit access to the Fairgrounds, and supporting education through partnerships like the Nashville Vanderbilt Scholars Program.

Our public safety approach has evolved, with decreased homicide rates and a countywide partnership between the police department and mental health professionals. We’ve also made strides in emergency communications and fire department staffing.

The proposed operating budget focuses on maintaining progress, with significant investments in public schools, affordable housing, and infrastructure, reflecting our commitment to building a better Nashville for all residents.

Key initiatives outside the traditional budget process include the development of the East Bank to create diverse, affordable neighborhoods, and programs aimed at financial empowerment, healthcare access, and housing stability.

We encourage residents to take advantage of resources like the property tax freeze and relief program, the Financial Empowerment Center, TennCare re-enrollment assistance, NES’s Home Uplift program, and eviction right to counsel services.

As we reflect on our achievements and look towards the future, we remain committed to improving quality of life, expanding access to services, and fostering a welcoming, inclusive city. The State of Metro is strong, and together, we can continue to make Nashville a place where everyone wants to be.

Thank you, Nashville, for your continued support and engagement in shaping our city’s future.

Source: Read Original Release

Safe Rides Program Supports Homeless in Extreme Weather

The Office of Homeless Services has activated its “Safe Rides” program to offer free transportation for the homeless to safe locations during extreme weather conditions in Nashville, from 10 a.m. May 8, 2024, to 8 a.m. May 9, 2024.