Kim Fann Honored with STARS Award by Murfreesboro Mayor

Kim Fann receives the STARS Award for exceptional service at Murfreesboro Municipal Airport.

Kimberly Fann, an accounting clerk at the Murfreesboro Municipal Airport, was honored with the STARS Award for her exemplary service. Mayor Shane McFarland presented the award to Fann in a ceremony held before the City Council meeting on May 2, 2024. Fann was recognized for her dedication to making the airport a welcoming place for both residents and visitors of Murfreesboro.

Airport Director Chad Gehrke, in one of the nominations for the award, highlighted Fann’s commitment to ensuring that all who attend events at the airport, whether they be city training meetings, workshops, or private events, receive the utmost care. He praised her understanding of the importance of first impressions and her never underestimating the significance of any event or individual.

The STARS Award nominations emphasized Fann’s role in enhancing the airport’s appeal as an attractive center in the community. Since joining the City staff on September 13, 2010, as an Administrative Support Specialist in the Fleet Services Department, and later transitioning to her current role at the airport on October 4, 2021, Fann has been consistently acknowledged for her service. Her journey at the city also included a position as an Inventory Control Coordinator in Fleet Services.

One nomination from a citizen-volunteer illustrated Fann’s broad capabilities and her indispensable role at the airport. The volunteer described how Fann’s knowledge and willingness to assist make her the go-to person for both staff and visitors seeking information. Her efforts include conducting tours, answering questions, and facilitating community engagement, such as suggesting that a visiting couple attend a weekly meeting of aviation enthusiasts.

Further nominations described Fann as going above and beyond in her service, demonstrating excellent support for airport and community events, and embodying the positive spirit of the community. Her proactive attitude and commitment to service have made significant impacts, making her a deserving recipient of the STARS Award.

The STARS Service Excellence program aims to recognize city employees who offer outstanding customer service beyond their typical duties, embodying the city’s core values and enhancing the quality of life for citizens. The award is a testament to employees who excel in their service, as reviewed by a committee of city employees.

Kimberly Fann’s recognition as a STAR underscores her exceptional contribution to the Murfreesboro Municipal Airport and the community at large. For more city news, visit

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