NDOT Forms Approved Materials Committee

NDOT has created the Approved Materials Committee to assess and approve materials, products, and engineered systems.

The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) has formed the Approved Materials Committee to maintain a robust and up-to-date list of approved materials that meet the highest standards. The committee plays a vital role in assessing and approving materials, products, and engineered systems proposed for use within NDOT.

The Approved Materials Committee will convene quarterly to assess applications collected during specified open application periods. The Approved Materials List will be updated based on the committee’s recommendations. Materials that do not meet NDOT’s standards will not be considered.

The committee will close its first application window on Friday, April 19. As NDOT strives to enhance safety, reliability, and quality across Davidson County, they welcome participation.

To apply, fill out the Approved Materials Application form to provide detailed information about your material. Complete the Online Application Form.

If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to email NDOT at [email protected].

The Approved Materials List assumes no liability on the part of Metro for the products included nor is it intended to promote any product, supplier, or manufacturer over another. This list does not guarantee that NDOT, or a NDOT contractor, will purchase or use the material, product, or engineered system. All applicable local, state, and federal laws still apply to procurement and purchasing of any product.

The list of approved materials, products, and engineered systems are subject to Metro Nashville procurement guidelines and regulations before purchase. These local guidelines can be found on the Metro Finance Procurement website.

Source: Read Original Release

Public Notice: Air Pollution Permit Applications Filed

Applications for construction and/or synthetic minor operating permits have been filed with the Metro Public Health Department in Nashville for various air pollution sources, and are subject to a 30-day public comment period ending May 12, 2024.