Tennessee Dedicates March to Celebrating Literacy

Tennessee marks March as Literacy Month to highlight the importance of reading skills.

The state of Tennessee is observing March as Literacy Month, as announced by the Tennessee Department of Education and endorsed by Governor Bill Lee. This special month is an effort to underline the significance of literacy in K-12 education and to celebrate the progress being made across the state in enhancing reading skills among students. The initiative, named Reading 360, aims to bring together educators, families, elected officials, and community partners in a concerted effort to boost literacy rates.

Throughout March, the department, accompanied by Riley the Reading Raccoon, will tour the state to showcase successful literacy programs and encourage the teaching of strong foundational reading skills. To support reading at home, the department has also made Interactive Decodables Books available on Best for ALL Central, providing families with an engaging way to practice reading.

The month kicked off with Reading Across America Week, commencing March 2-6, which also paid tribute to the enduring legacy of Dr. Seuss. Tennesseans are encouraged to use social media to share their reading experiences and learn about the resources available to them, using hashtags such as #Reading360, #TNReadingForALL, and #ReadLikeRiley.

Lizzette Reynolds, Commissioner of Education, expressed her hopes for widespread engagement during the month, emphasizing the collective effort of the Tennessee community in nurturing young readers. “Our educators, families, elected officials, and communities are all working incredibly hard to support our young readers,” Reynolds stated, urging everyone to participate by reading together.

As part of its ongoing commitment to literacy, the Tennessee Department of Education announced the fourth summer of Early Reading Trainings for educators, which aims to deepen knowledge about early reading instruction and develop strong reading skills among students. Additionally, the department hosted the TN ALL Corps Tutoring Summit in February, which focused on establishing effective tutoring programs in reading and math.

For more information on Tennessee’s literacy initiatives and resources for families, visit the Tennessee Department of Education’s website. This March Literacy Month, the state looks forward to fostering a greater love for reading and improving literacy rates among its young learners.

Source: Read Original Release