Public Input Sought on Air Pollution Control Permits

Nashville invites public comments on new air pollution control applications.

The Metro Public Health Department’s Air Pollution Control Division in Nashville has announced its call for public comments on several new applications for construction and synthetic minor operating permits aimed at controlling air pollution. This initiative is part of the department’s ongoing efforts to involve the community in environmental decision-making processes and to ensure transparency in how air quality management is handled in the region.

Scheduled for public notice on March 8, 2024, these applications encompass a variety of sources that could potentially impact air quality in Nashville and its surrounding areas. They are being evaluated under the strict guidelines of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, particularly focusing on the chapters dedicated to air pollution control. This includes the detailed procedures for obtaining construction permits as outlined in Section 10.56.020, Paragraph N, as well as the stipulations for operating permits found in Section 10.56.040. Moreover, the applications fall under the scrutiny of Regulation 3’s “New Source Review” protocol, which mandates public notification and a 30-day comment period to gather community feedback.

The Metro Public Health Department has made the application packages available for public review. Those interested in examining the details of these applications can do so by visiting the Vital Records Division located at 2500 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee. Community members who wish to express their opinions or concerns regarding these applications are encouraged to submit their comments to the Air Pollution Control Division Office by no later than April 7, 2024. Feedback can be sent via email to the specified address provided in the public notice.

This open comment period represents a significant opportunity for Nashville residents to voice their thoughts on local air quality management efforts and to contribute to the decision-making process regarding environmental health initiatives. By facilitating this level of community involvement, the Metro Public Health Department aims to foster a collaborative approach to safeguarding the air quality in Nashville, ensuring that development and operational activities within the city are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner.

Source: Read Original Release