Man Arrested in Utah for Nashville Poisoning Deaths

Blaise Taylor is charged with two counts of first-degree murder.
Public Safety

Deputy United States Marshals, acting on a request from the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD), have apprehended Blaise A. Taylor, 27, in Utah. Taylor faces charges under a Nashville grand jury indictment for the first-degree murder of his girlfriend, Jade Benning, and their unborn child.

The tragic incident that led to these charges occurred earlier this year. Benning, who was celebrating her 25th birthday, passed away on March 6, 2023, at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The emergency unfolded on the night of February 25, 2023, when Taylor called 911 around 9:38 p.m., reporting that Benning seemed to be experiencing an allergic reaction and requested paramedics’ assistance. Following this call, Benning’s condition rapidly deteriorated, becoming critical shortly after her admission to the hospital. Tragically, her five-month-old fetus died two days later, on February 27. Due to the severity of her condition, Benning was unable to provide any statement to the police before her death.

The indictment against Taylor is the culmination of a detailed investigation led by Homicide Unit Detective Adam Reese. The investigation, which spanned several months, involved comprehensive analyses by crime laboratory scientists and consultations with doctors at the Medical Examiner’s Office. The evidence gathered led to Taylor being charged with secretly poisoning Benning during his visit to her apartment on Lebanon Pike on the night of the incident.

Following the incident, Taylor relocated to Utah. The MNPD is currently coordinating with authorities in Utah to arrange for Taylor’s extradition back to Nashville to face the charges laid against him in the indictment.

Source: Read Original Release