Knoxville Celebrates Urban Forest Master Plan Launch

Knoxville unveils a plan to increase its tree canopy by 2040.

On March 21, 2024, the City of Knoxville, in collaboration with Trees Knoxville, Keep Knoxville Beautiful, and the Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB), will host a public celebration for the completion of the Urban Forest Master Plan. The event is set to take place at 9 a.m. at Dr. Walter Hardy Park, located at 2020 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave.

This significant gathering will mark the beginning of an ambitious effort to expand the city’s tree canopy coverage from its current 38% to 40% by the year 2040. Representatives from the partnering organizations will discuss the implementation strategy and objectives of the Urban Forest Master Plan during the event. The plan itself is a product of extensive community engagement, with hundreds of hours dedicated to incorporating public input.

The Urban Forest Master Plan is accessible for review at, providing residents and interested parties with comprehensive information about the city’s vision for its green infrastructure.

In alignment with the City of Knoxville’s commitment to inclusivity, arrangements for meaningful access to city programs and services have been made to comply with Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II laws. This includes provision for translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids, and services upon request.

For those requiring language translation services, contact is encouraged through the City’s Human Resources Department via email at [email protected] or by phone at 865-215-3100. Similarly, individuals in need of disability accommodations can reach out to City ADA Coordinator, Stephanie Brewer Cook, at [email protected] or 865-215-2034, preferably 72 hours prior to the event.

The Urban Forest Master Plan represents a significant stride towards enhancing Knoxville’s environmental sustainability and urban livability, reflecting the city’s commitment to green initiatives and community involvement in shaping the urban landscape.

Source: Read Original Release